Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sand Dunes 2011

I'm not sure, but I think Austin did not want his picture taken.
We realized this may be his last campout with us.
He will be greatly missed.

Ahh, nothing like morning in the desert.

Boys and fire, some unexplained "magnetic attraction".

Cam's first campout with us, "Look mom, no frost bite"!

Firewood was in short supply. Apparently the local trees
are protected. Who knew? But hey, there are ample amounts
of tumble weeds.

Tanners first campout, I think that may be a smile.

Brother Cromar decided to be a man, Yes, that is 
frost on top of his sleeping bag. Burrr! 

Austin and Chandler had a tent to themselves;
What pro's at packing up.

Chandler can eat with no hands!

Ahh, the luxury of a warm tent with "quiet" bunk mates.
Does Tanner look a bit tired?

I told you they were packing pro's. They may have lost
the tent competition at church, but when it counts......
Chandler and Austin Rock!

I sure appreciate Bill and Jason. Our boys are very lucky.

Austin and Chandler have invented a new way to compress a tent;
that or Austin is taking a nap.

Ahh, the dunes, glorious dunes;
mother nature's giant sand box.

We have the best group of Boys. 

I thought you guys won the tent setting competition?
What happened? "Doah"!

Master Chef Bill made the perfect breakfast,
it was to die for. Well, almost.

I'm not sure what the hatchet is for.....

Well, we all had a great time. Special thanks to Brother Holzendorf, Brother Park, and Brother Cromar,
and sorry Mom, for all the sand. We asked if anyone wanted to be hung up like a pinata to beat the sand out, but no volunteers. Funny thing is we, probably would have gotten some candy.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Winter Camp/Hike 2011

Brother Holzendorf is such a good sport.

Home Sweet Campsite.

Damon, our adventure guide, teaching the finer art of tent dismantling.

Austin. Always cheerful even when its freakin' cold!

Dude! I mean, Brother Dude! I am positive my mom will not appreciate this picture.

Tahoa. I think he may have a career opportunity as a sherpa on Mount Everest. Plus, the boy has mad cooking skills!

Diamond Fork today, the great Yukon tomorrow! Bring it on, I am ready.

Who says you can't survive on Cheeze-it's, and no, the Giant thing behind me is not a giant Jiffy Pop pop corn pan. It's so the aliens can't read my mind.

My first winter camp and no frost bite! Chandler always has a positive attitude, even in adversity.

Ok, so perhaps it is a bit insane, but I love winter camping. No where else can the boys learn good preparation skills and learn to cope in adverse conditions, while having a great time doing it. We have the best group of boys in the world. Of course, I am a bit partial.....

They didn't even break a sweat. Bring it on....

Leaving is so bitter sweet.

Do you think Hayden would notice if I just caught a little ride?

Dude, I know I can fit. Chandler Harris made it through, as well as Chandler Jacobson.

Ok Burke, I need a photo so I can give it to search and rescue in case you get stuck.

Time for a rest.....

Tahoa, always with a smile!

Watching Scouts attempt to get stuck has become a new spectator sport.

Look, Chandler made it through no problem.....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rocket launch

Future rocket Scientist Moroni and Hayden

Phase one design Team Jonathan, Wyatt,and Chandler

you can cut the intense concentration with a knife

ok so we had this computer program to do a launch simulation

I think we may have some gifted Engineers

ok so if we add more water and three more pennies what happens

the rocket building machines

Captain Hanks prepairing for extended space travel

five more seconds

Yes the shades were necessary "safety glasses" duh

Nice garden Gnome

ok one slight problem what goes up must come down dark fast and silent
everyone take cover

Britain expressing his extreme approval of Chans creation
that or he is auditioning for dancing with the stars
you decide